Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi

Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi
Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi

Tommaso Zorzi was born in Milan on April 2, 1995. His origins are aristocratic and his family is one of the many in the “good” part of the city of Milan; Tommaso and his sister Gaia are among the richest boys in Italy.

Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi
Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi

His father is Lorenzo Zorzi and, according to the influencer, he seems to have been the best dad in the world, up to a certain point. Unfortunately,

Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi
Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi

his parents separated and Tommaso’s father was unable to be present as before; today they are only seen three or four times a year.

Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi
Chi Sono I Genitori Di Tommaso Zorzi